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Picture Tools

Last updated on 4 days ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
PixieView is working with the newer system files.

Nice new icons too!
deadwood, retrofaza, aha, Amiwell79, Deremon
miker1264 attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
I'm still working on revising & testing PixieView as well as ViewTIFF. More updates will be posted when they are available.
Posted 25 days ago
miker, I'm trying to compile the svg.datatypes on Aros One v11 x86 64-64Bit on WMware, but I encounter an error in the "makefile", when you have time you can take a look at it


From WMware I tried compiling your "IconClone" and "Icondrop" on AROS One v11 x86 64 and they work perfectly, while "IconSplitter" crashes, but I guess it depends on the v11 x86 64 system!
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 25 days ago

Thank you for testing. You are good at finding issues! 🙂

I haven't tried to compile Icon Splitter for 64 but.

As for SVG Datatype to compile Datatypes you can't use the shell. You need the Picture Datatype Creation Tool from AROS Archives or you need to use the ABIv11 Build System. There are many dependencies for Datatypes.
Posted 25 days ago
OK thank you, if it's too difficult I'll give up, however all my compilations were done with AROS One v1.0 "ABIv11 Build System"
Posted 25 days ago
I tried "PicDT_CreationPackage", it also seems easy to use, but I get the same error as with the compilation via the shell "cannon find -larosc", plus the error "Genmodule : Function not implemented", see screenshot

The "-larosc" error has been siscussed on "ae.arosworld" see link, but I don't know where to correct the Makefile

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 25 days ago


@AMIGASYSTEM - I tried "PicDT_CreationPackage", it also seems easy to use, but I get the same error as with the compilation via the shell "cannon find -larosc", plus the error "Genmodule : Function not implemented", see screenshot

The "-larosc" error has been siscussed on "ae.arosworld" see link, but I don't know where to correct the Makefile


You might ask @deadwood to help compiling the Datatype.

Are you using the ABIv11 Build System? Or some other method to compile the Datatype?
Posted 25 days ago
ABIv11 Build System ( New AROS One ABIv11)

I have already compiled these sources and others

miker1264Software Dev
Posted 14 days ago
I'm currently working on the PixieView project. I'm updating some items on the Colors Menu such as Color Count, RGB Channels & Histogram as well as adding some new Effects. ;-)
Posted 14 days ago
Miker if the sources of the previous version of PixieView are available, I could try to compile and test it on AROS One 64Bit v11, thank you !
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 14 days ago

Here is the most recent version of the source code. Hopefully it works.

I also included the app icon & a mmakefile.src but you can use your own icon if you'd like.
Edited by miker1264 on 27-01-2025 14:32, 14 days ago
miker1264 attached the following file:
pixieview_current.zip [59.84kB / 15 Downloads]
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 14 days ago
There is a new item on the Colors Menu for PixieView. The Color Count menu item returns the Number of Unique Colors (Used Colors) in an image. It works for bitmapped images with a color palette or 24/32 bit images.

Interestingly, I found that Lossless Image types such as PNG or BMP work best because the number of pixels doesn't change. However, jpeg images for Color Count are not consistent. That's because jpeg uses a Lossy Compression Scheme so some pixels are lost in the process.

Here is a sample image that works well called "French Country Life".
miker1264 attached the following image:
pixieview_testing_color_count2.png count_colors1.png
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 14 days ago
In case you missed it here is the binary for the current version.

Here's the story for the Color Count menu item which consists of 4 functions & 2 macros to count the number of unique colors in an image.

I started the test version of the program that contains Count Colors on 12-12-24 last month. For the first 4 weeks I only wrote Count_Colors which uses Find high index to get the color count for bitmapped images with index values. But I didn't know how other programs like FastStone Viewer & IrfanView actually counted the unique colors in a 24/32 bit images.

Two weeks ago I had an idea. At first I was going to simply compare pixels bytes by bytes but I didn't know how to sort the pixels or remove the duplicate pixels. Those are the basic methods.

I thought about using the GetUint32 macro to convert 32bit pixel data into a long *array of 4-byte long numbers. The second macro I used was the "quicksort" method aka qsort with a custom comparator. Lastly I used a simple "Remove duplicates" function that requires the integer values to be grouped together in ascending order & that's why qsort was needed for it to accurately remove the duplicate integers.

Two days ago the functions were working mostly but I was using jpeg images for testing. After several hours comparing the color counts for about a dozen images I realized my functions were working correctly but jpeg uses Lossy Compression schemes. So I tested PNG & BMP. After that everything worked as expected. Some jpegs behave nicely. But mostly jpeg images aren't consistent for getting the color count. However, Lossless Image types such as PNG,BMP, PNM,PPM,TGA,TIFF, etc. work well.
Edited by miker1264 on 27-01-2025 16:59, 14 days ago
miker1264 attached the following file:
pixieview_x86_12-11-24_1.zip [41.13kB / 15 Downloads]
Posted 14 days ago
Thanks miker, before I talk about my source compilation, I would like to ask you a question:
What is mmakefile and how do you use it, thanks !

- Compilation of your source on AROS One x86 was successful, and PixieView works perfectly, only filters don't work

- The compilation of your source on AROS One 64Bit was successful, but the pictures are not seen error "Can't Read Picture File", the same picture with Multiview is seen fine !

I will now test your new version you posted !
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 14 days ago
Do you get the "Can't Read Picture File" for all images? Have you tried several images? Maybe you selected some images that don't have the updated Datatypes? That's why I'm asking.

The makefile.src is used with the Build System using the Linux Cross-compiler. It defines many of the parameters for the compiler such as the source code files to be compiled, the output exe filename, the output exe path & which libraries to include if any. Some mmakefiles such as the one I included are simple but some others can get very large & complex. Are you using gcc in a shell or the full build system for ABIv11 ?

You also mentioned on the Icon Tools topic that Icon Split isn't working for 64bit. I will check both of these out when I get some free time.
Edited by miker1264 on 27-01-2025 18:39, 14 days ago
Posted 14 days ago
Yes for all images, but this happens "only" for the "64Bit" version, the version compiled on 32Bit works perfectly!
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 12 days ago
Recently I revisited my old C# (c sharp) program "ILBM Viewer" to get the code for drawing the color map for bitmapped images (<=8bpp).

The ILBM Viewer draws the color map on the right side but PixieView will display it in a window with color data in the window titlebar (max colors/used colors).

I was surprised at how SLOW the C# code is compared to C code. AROS apps are faster!!

PS - I will do some 64bit testing tomorrow.
Edited by miker1264 on 29-01-2025 12:27, 12 days ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
bitmapped_palette_sample_380x240.png tiger_bitmapped_image.png
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 9 days ago
For PixieView I was doing some 64bit testing.

It didn't work the first time. More work to do! ;-)
Posted 9 days ago
Yes I confirm Pixieview 64Bit does not recognise graphic formats, it seems to have problems with picture.datatypes, but I may be wrong!

IconSplitter 64Bit works fine, if on the shell I run "IconSplitter ?" I get a Guru, but this could be due to AROS 64 still not being very stable Smile

IconClone 64Bit, Icondrop 64Bit on the other hand seem to work very well |
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 9 days ago
The Iconsplitter binary is for Amiga 68k. The Amiga version will look for a specific number of Icon Lib (Peter K's Icon Library). If not found it won't do anything. Not sure about error checking. I will test it to be sure.

The Iconsplit binary is for AROS. The code is slightly different. It should compile for 32bit or 64bit. Not sure about error checking with this one either. I will need to do some testing. :-)

In the shell the syntax is Iconsplit file.info. It's the program name followed by an icon name.

Not sure it will work with just the program name. It should print the Help text in the shell but maybe it's not doing it correctly.

PS - I can confirm that IconSplit compiles correctly & it works well on ABIv11 64bit. However, as I suspected if the user only enters the program name in the shell it will crash because it doesn't check the number of arguments. This has been corrected & I will post the new code.

Now it checks for the number of arguments. It is command line only so it won't work from Wanderer. If the user only enters the program name it will print the Help Message in a shell.
Edited by miker1264 on 01-02-2025 19:18, 9 days ago
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