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Do you use AROS as a daily driver?

Last updated on 5 months ago

Poll: Do you use AROS as a daily driver?

    Yes. It is my main OS for basically everything. [2/12]17 %
    No. I use it only for tinkering or gaming. [8/12]67 %
    I wish I could. [2/12]17 %
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 5 months ago
I am quite interested in knowing this so, how often and for what purpose do you use AROS.

Do you use it for productivity (office stuff, emailing, writing, job, etc?) or mostly as a hobby tool?
Jeff1138Junior Member
Posted 5 months ago

Mainly a hobby, I use AROS grub as a way of booting all other OSs like Win, Haiku, Linux etc (it's easily editable)

I did try 10 years ago to daily drive but issues with youtube support (their webpage mainly) meant I used other OSs to fill that gap. There are other little software gaps but that is where the developer push might help.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 5 months ago
While I don't use native AROS daily, I do use Odyssey, WookieChat and MPlayer on a daily basis on my Linux computer running them through AxRuntime. Smile
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 5 months ago
voted the first choice
mattson62mattson62Junior Member
Posted 5 months ago
I love AROS and use it everyday.I have to use it on VirtualBox for now.I have a couple ICAROS,AROS ONE,and Tiny AROS.On ICAROS experimenting with different setups so far got OWB 1.26 working,I using it now!Anyways my love for Aros has impressed me to Share AROS to others to make it more known as it already is.The AROS Team has worked hard and has created a Jam packed OS and it's free and open source Thanks AROS TEAM!
deadwood, aha, miker1264
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 5 months ago

Thank you for spreading the word and making the videos showin AROS in action!
mattson62, miker1264
StudenteerJunior Member
Posted 5 months ago
I have to say that I tried to use it as daily driver but failed due to conditions of modern world.

OWB is quiet useful as browser for AROS, but for using it for regular cases it still missing the full-Java-Script-Support of modern browsers like in Firefox or Chromium.
Screenscaling is fine for modern monitors, but dual or triple monitors with Wanderer at the same time is still missing for using it for example for presentations - next to missing presentation-programms, starting to get filled by the community.
Programms for office are nice to use, but still too buggy for using it for critical jobs where restarting is no option.
Also smaller things like modern Connectionstandards like "WPA2 Personal / Enterprise" or "WPA3 Personal / Enterprise", IPv6-Support or just a simple paketmanager for upgrading programms let me rejecting the idea of using AROS as main OS.

Hardware-support is something handable by selecting the right hardware for supported wireless or ethernet - but an issue, which bounding myself to older, maybe not really purchable hardware.

So AROS stays for me as hobby-tool and OS to explore (maybe also fixing something one day).
ntromansJunior Member
Posted 5 months ago
I'm still lurking around, long time no post but real world issues have been very demanding for the last 6 months or so. Anyway...

As some here may know I run AROS natively and as my daily driver as much as possble, beacuse it's inherited the elligance of AmigaOS and dosen't drive me to distraction as the mainstream alternative do.

It meets my needs in education, albeit via Janus to run PageStream and Finalcalc, but also for building education 'tools' via Hollywood. I've even used it for online tutoring, with a touchscreen hacked onto my Samsung and some electronic whiteboard software I've written in Hollywood. I shared the AROS screen with a Linux box running Teams (again using Hollywood as it was a bit quicker than VNC), so admitedly AROS could not do everything there.

I'm still using Yam for e-mail; oddly enough this turned out to be very useful recently as my provider managed to loose all of its customers' archived e-mails, so anyone depending on browser-based access were in trouble, but of course with YAM everything is downloaded so I lost nothing.

OWB gets used for as many sites as will work; for anything else (mainly e-commerce stes with lots of security) I have a MorphOS machine with Wayfarer. AROS suits my media playing needs too. I recently set up an Android tablet in our kitchen to steam music in there - after some very frustrating experience with this I'm trying to think of a way to put an AROS machine into tablet form...

So, I'm very happy with AROS and immesely grateful to all the developers and distribution maintaineers continuing to progress the system; cheers!
Edited by ntromans on 05-03-2024 17:20, 5 months ago
serk118ukserk118ukSoftware Dev
Posted 5 months ago
I am using AROS natively all the times and yes i do use daily mainly graphics,sound,coding,browsing its fine for my usage...
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 5 months ago
Although I have installed several flavors of AROS both Native and Hosted in VirtualBox and I have 5 PC's running AROS natively it's mostly for testing. But AROS has some interesting features and I find myself using it for various tasks such as graphics design and text editing among others. And I have been known to listen to music on my AROS One x86 installs. You caught me!
Edited by miker1264 on 05-03-2024 19:31, 5 months ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 5 months ago

ntromans wrote:

It meets my needs in education, albeit via Janus to run PageStream and Finalcalc, but also for building education 'tools' via Hollywood. I've even used it for online tutoring, with a touchscreen hacked onto my Samsung and some electronic whiteboard software I've written in Hollywood. I shared the AROS screen with a Linux box running Teams (again using Hollywood as it was a bit quicker than VNC), so admitedly AROS could not do everything there.

Wow, that's some creative use here. Congratz!
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Users who participated in discussion: serk118uk, deadwood, ntromans, Amiwell79, miker1264, mattson62, Jeff1138, Studenteer, Khadas
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