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AHI sound Output too quiet?

Last updated on 4 months ago
Posted 4 months ago
i know AROS is in development. I am not sure if i used AHI on my Amiga, but i saw today that the mixdown output was too quiet, i gave +10 dezibel on my external mixer but it was still quiet. I turned up the compressor in the line and got interfering signals and whitenoise.

I don't know is it a driver problem but Prefs -> AHI was maxed output on a m-audio audiophile 2496 Rev A 2000. I can confirm playback works https://en.wikibo...86_support .

I think to amplify the sound about 20-30 dezibel would help.

Best Regards,
Posted 4 months ago
It could be a compatibility issue with your Sound Card, on VMware and on Native PC I have normal and sistently quite high volume on AROS!
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 4 months ago
you are referring to the registration phase currently there are problems with the audio recording
Edited by Amiwell79 on 10-03-2024 15:31, 4 months ago
Jeff1138Junior Member
Posted 4 months ago

It could be the driver was written for different version and has not been customised for your card.

Sadly, we do not have audio ahi developers around (most came from Davy Wentlzer 10 years ago) so the ahi drivers (apart from HDAudio) are stuck with their current versions.
serk118ukserk118ukSoftware Dev
Posted 4 months ago
Try metemp3 , I used different method for output.
Edited by serk118uk on 11-03-2024 05:50, 4 months ago
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