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Origami Intro from Demoscene

Last updated on 11 months ago
Posted 11 months ago
Another release from Demoscene. This time is Origami by Faemiyah Demogroup.
Available from Aros Archives. http://archives.aros-exec.org/?function=showfile&file=demo/intro/origami.i386-aros.zip


Original Entry for 64k introcompo at Assembly 2005

Graphics code and intro structure: Trilkk (Tatu Kilappa) <trilkk()iki.fi>
Software synthesizer and music: Juippi (Juho Heikkinen)
Folding effect, fractal code and misc: Warma (Vantte Kilappa)

Link at Pouet: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18347

Original Sources are here

This is the release for Aros x86 of this Intro by Faemiyah.
You need a gfx card with support for OpenGL (tested on AROS One with CPU AMD
Phenom2 X3 + GeForce 8800GTS).
Sources are included in the package.
To build i have done a little script (arosconfig.sh) that setup and run
configure for cross-compiling under my Linux PC. You have to modify it to suit
your needs if you want to recompile. I have modifyed also configure to add some
missing libs when we use SDL_image library, also some little changes to

At start the demo let the user choise the resolution and fullscreen mode.

Big Thanks to AMIGASYSTEM for the icons and the help.
Edited by Farox on 19-04-2024 13:26, 11 months ago
Argo, deadwood, retrofaza, Puni, miker1264
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 11 months ago
many thanks
PuniPuniJunior Member
Posted 11 months ago
Thanks for the port! :-) Never seen this one before. An interesting idea to use the concept of origami to present effects in a demo, such as the animals we see for example. Hope to see more demoscene content in the future!
Posted 11 months ago
Thanks to all for the comment, i'm glad that you all like it.

Puni wrote:

@Puni - Thanks for the port! :-) Never seen this one before. An interesting idea to use the concept of origami to present effects in a demo, such as the animals we see for example. Hope to see more demoscene content in the future!

Yes a very good one this intro, when i saw it for the first time i loved it. I ever loved Demos from Amiga time to today.

I have a few other sources from demoscene portable to Aros, some already compiled but crashing the whole system, other that not compile (or maybe i'm not so good at fixing this Wink ), and other that i need to try to compile but i know that i need some other libs that is not yet on Aros. So yes in theory i think i could release some more demos and maybe some other games.
And i would also thank you for uploading some screenshot of my game mbx. Preparing all the things to release something take much more time than compiling so really appreciated when someone helps. Wink
Anyway i already uploaded the shots for this Origami intro, sure they show when are approved.
PuniPuniJunior Member
Posted 11 months ago
Sounds good! :-) Thanks for bringing more demoscene content to AROS! Like

You are welcome! Glad you liked the screenshots. Here is a blog post (https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2024/04/10/magical-broom-extreme-for-aros-has-been-released/) about the game as well.
Posted 11 months ago

Puni wrote:

@Puni - Sounds good! :-) Thanks for bringing more demoscene content to AROS! Like

You are welcome! Glad you liked the screenshots. Here is a blog post (https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2024/04/10/magical-broom-extreme-for-aros-has-been-released/) about the game as well.

Wow great thanks for this!
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