Good day!
I have no experience using the original Amiga, but I am interested in AROS. I would like to slightly change the original interface to my liking, but I do not know where to start. I am ready to accept any advice. If I understood correctly, then the GUI is based on the Zune toolkit?
Hi JohDo and welcome to the Forum, If necessaryfor your request take a screenshot, if you are referring to the AROS Application GUIs, they are generally Zune based, which is a Clone of MUI used on AMiGA, but there are also other GUIs on both AROS and AMiGA
If you're referring to the Window Theme, there are many Themes available on AROS, I don't know which Distribution you tried (68k or x86), on AROS One x86 there are 34 Themes installed, you can also choose from a wide variety of Pointers, Backgrounds, Icons and more.
On AROS everything can be customised in a simple, transparent and affordable way!
>What exactly are you using? There are different distributions with different desktops
When I wrote my first message, I was running in a virtual machine icaros-pc-i386.iso
Now I have also launched in a virtual machine AROS-One-ISO-DVD-2.4.iso
>What do you want to change? Theme or more?
I want to go a little further than just changing the theme. I would like to change some interface elements, add some things.
>Your question is a little like I have installed a linux distribution and want to change GUI not saying which distribution and which desktop
I admit the mistake, I should have specified the name of the distribution that I use.
>Tiny Aros uses Magellan you go in the prefs drawer and select Appereance tool for changing GUI Theme
I haven't had time to familiarize myself with Tiny Aros yet, thanks for the explanation.
>You are Welcome
Thank you for the greeting.
>Hi JohDo and welcome to the Forum, If necessaryfor your request take a screenshot, if you are referring to the AROS Application GUIs, they are generally Zune based, which is a Clone of MUI used on AMiGA, but there are also other GUIs on both AROS and AMiGA
Thanks for the welcome.
First of all, I would like to clarify about the window control buttons. From left to right: close the window, minimize the window to an icon on the desktop, expand the window, switch between windows. Is it possible to change the behavior of the expand window button so that the window expands to the full screen and returns to its original size when pressed again. I have a background of using MS Windows, Macos, various Linux systems. Yes, I understand that Amiga and its followers are original and perhaps some of you may condemn me for wanting to make AROS look like MS Windows, but I do not pursue such a goal. I want to change the interface a little bit to make it easier to immerse myself in EROS, to better understand how it works.
Edited by JohDoe on 24-05-2024 03:15, 9 months ago
I don't think there is a setting to do what you want with the "expand" gadget. This behavior would need a software change. One thing that can in handy to you, is Tools/Commodities/ClickToFront. This will make a window move to front when clicking on title bar, rather then using depth gadget.
The programming languange is C. In Development General subforum you will finf Developer Resources sticki thread. It described how to build a cross compiler for AROS, but to do this you will actually create a local AROS build (AROS hosted). If you get to this step and have working development environment, I can point you to specific sources in Intuition where the "expand" gadget is controlled.
Actually it's already possible to do this with the 'Fkey' commodity - set up hotkeys for the 'Enlarge window' (enlarges currently active window to the full screen size) and 'Shrink window' (which returns it to its previous size). If you also want the window's top left edge at the top-left of the screen you need to set a hotkey for 'Rescue window' too.
>The programming languange is C.
It's been a long time since I learned the C language. I will need some time to refresh my knowledge.
>Actually it's already possible to do this with the 'Fkey' commodity
Keyboard shortcuts are convenient, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it. Still, I would like to have a full-screen expand button.
>Actually it's already possible to do this with the 'Fkey' commodity
Keyboard shortcuts are convenient, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it. Still, I would like to have a full-screen expand button.[/quote]
If you are not familiar with Commodities, the're programs run at startup and stay in the background responding to hotkeys as required. You'll find these in aros:tools/commodities. In there you will also find the 'Exchange' program which when launched shows all the running commodities; please see attahced for what its window looks like, If FKey is not already running on your installation, add the following line to s:user-startup to run it at boot:
run QUIET sys:tools/commodities/FKey >NIL:
To open the FKey configuration window, select FKey in the list of program in Exchange and then the 'Show' button. The FKey window then look slike hte second attachment.
To add the enlarge/shrink/rescue hotkeys, press 'New Key', select the action from the top-right drop-down, press 'Record' to grab the key combination you'd like, 'Record again to stop recording and then 'Save Defined Keys'. You should hten be anble to enlarge and shrink windows with a hotkey.
JohDoe, Commodities, but also other applications, if you don't want to edit the user-startup or the Startup-sequence, you can simply copy them into the WBStartup folder, basically everything you copy into the WBStartup folder will be executed automatically by the system.
The command recommended by 'ntromans' is not correct in some cases, because the command will be executed, but the parameters included in the Icon tootypes will not be 'used' by the application.
So for a correct execution, either use WBStartup where the application will be executed "like double-clicking", or change the command recommended by "ntromans", instead of "run" use "WBRun", in this case the application will use the porameters included in the Icon Tooltypes.
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