AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoI know all the Distributions mentioned very well, Apollo OS currently except for the ROM and some applications there is no almost nothing AROS, from ApolloOS list me native AROS system applications, you are unlikely to find any! you will certainly find many native OS3.1 applications, as shown in my screenshot.
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoAs said only a few things AROS, try it on AMiGA OS3.1 and then we'll talk!
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoAs usual you misinterpret what I write, I'm not criticising the developer, in fact I appreciate him, what I don't understand is why we go backwards, why use the old OS3 GUI when AROS offers modern GUIs, in this way AROS 68k instead of going forward, goes backwards!
AMiGA was my best OS when everyone was looking ahead to progress, AMiGA was an Innovative OS, now you do the opposite, the older it is, the better!
Today's users want modern and functional things, not things that belong to the Middle Ages
Read the posts of new users, all of whom are interested, then see the old-fashioned and trash everything.
I am not the decider of apolloos. The idea of them is the look & feel of 3.1 to replace it 100% and have more modern features like network or USB out of the box. It is their concept. As you see on screenshot it is not my concept.
There are different user groups in current community, expecially on 68k. You cannot satisfy everyone with only one concept. Many people buy 3.2 despite there is not really much new in it in my view except some of the routines and components optimized.
Edited by OlafSch on 13-06-2024 04:03,
9 months ago
OlafSch attached the following image:
BTW 3.9 is no base in my view because it cannot be bought anymore and sources are not available. I will use my desktop preferences on scalos to also develop a version of my distribution based on 3.1
3.1 is the standard for amiga, the common platform
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoOK now AROS Vision looks better, but you have to get rid of the old icons and try to use icons all of the same type and size.
In addition, the icons must be "sorted" on all Windows, with Magellan you unfortunately have to store them one by one, with Wanderer the icons are automatically always sorted (Option Wanderer Prefs)
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoMuch better, the eyes want their share too.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
9 months agoIn fact, I am objective even if I make many enemies, today's Amiga users are just game nostalgics, nobody cares about the operating system anymore, this because it is considered useless for what an OS should do today.
Many users throw money away on old boards, always assembling and disassembling hardware, resulting in incompatibilities, as well as having desks full of wires and various junk, a bad image for what was Amiga.
Pistorm, Vampire are much more useless, they are too slow to be modern and too fast, for retro, plus they made many games and applications incompatible.
OS 3.2 made a lot of fixes, but at the same time killed OS 3.9, now nobody develops for OS3.9 anymore (no more free updates), made Datatypes, Libraries become commercial, moreover native OS 3.2 software and libraries are not supported by OS 3.9, so Amiga OS from bad to worse.
These are the reasons why I cut back with Amiga and use AROS Native!
Which games or apps are incompatible because of PiStorm or Apollo? At least up to now almost all available software not uses the new features of Apollo hardware and PiStorm with emu68 is only a layer on a arm based hardware. More problematic is the new amigaos branch (3.2) who certainly potentially adds incompatibilities.
Of course Amiga stopped being a serious platform decades ago. On X86 at .least browser is more up to date but even there it is already outdated. Finally people use amiga stuff as hobby, not as the main platform. Too much is missing and there is no security (except being too small to be interesting for criminals)
Edited by OlafSch on 13-06-2024 05:50,
9 months ago