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FastTracker II Clone i386

Last updated on 12 days ago
Posted 2 months ago
I'm very happy to share with you FastTracker II Clone - AROS port by Farox & Deremon
FastTracker II Clone is a music tracker program.

This port is based on the work done by Marlon Beijer that converted an old 1.05 version of the program source code to SDL1.2 with the purpose to release an Amiga version (i think never released).
His sources are here: https://github.com/MBeijer/ft2-clone/tree/sdl12-bigendian

Original author of this Clone is Olaf Sørensen and his work for Windows/Linux/MacOS is available here

After adapting the source to the version 1.66 i (Farox) was having big problems running it, as the program was only working partially. Then came in help Deremon that fixed many parts of the code that was not working on Aros.

Without him, most probably, i would not be able to have a working program.

The program is working good now, but there are some things that are not finished (mostly related to SDL2 to SDL1.2 convertion).
Fullscreen or enlarging the program window is not implemented (sorry).
Also MIDI is not implemented.

Is possible to change most of the configs in the program but, as stated, the video configs are not working. Also if you (like me) run the program from a FAT32 device there is a bug in AROS that corrupt the FT2.CFG file when you write over saving after changing some options.

Every other function of the program should be working good.
Please download, test and report if you find something strange, or a bug.

Download here from archive https://archives.aros-exec.org/?function=showfile&file=audio/tracker/ft2clone166.i386-aros.zip
Edited by Farox on 30-11-2024 06:03, 12 days ago
Amiwell79, miker1264, retrofaza, mmartinka, aha, Argo, deadwood
Farox attached the following image:
snap-20241021-004.jpg snap-20241021-003.jpg
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 2 months ago
thank youSmile
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Very nice! Thank you for your efforts to bring new software to AROS.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Very good work guys! Great to see more people developing for AROS Smile

Do you by any chance plan a 64-bit version? ^^

I'm aware of the bug with FAT32. It's on my (ever growing) list of things to fix. Like
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
I tested the build under (non-debug) linux hosted and I think there is something strange with audio. The attached .xm and .s3m were playing "correct", but both attached .mod files felt as if they were playing slightly slower. From time to time there was some crackling as if there was a slight buffer underrun? With audio it's hard to desribe, but something left off with playing .mod files.

Can someone else try on real hardware and comment on this?
Posted 2 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - I tested the build under (non-debug) linux hosted and I think there is something strange with audio. The attached .xm and .s3m were playing "correct", but both attached .mod files felt as if they were playing slightly slower. From time to time there was some crackling as if there was a slight buffer underrun? With audio it's hard to desribe, but something left off with playing .mod files.

Can someone else try on real hardware and comment on this?

On real hardware, I have not noticed anything like this. The attached .mod files are playing correctly
Posted 2 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - I tested the build under (non-debug) linux hosted and I think there is something strange with audio. The attached .xm and .s3m were playing "correct", but both attached .mod files felt as if they were playing slightly slower. From time to time there was some crackling as if there was a slight buffer underrun? With audio it's hard to desribe, but something left off with playing .mod files.

Can someone else try on real hardware and comment on this?

Thanks for trying. I tested also on real hardware and all mods playing fine...

For a 64Bit version of the program, i could try, but in my opinion will be better if SDL2 will be available on AROS, anyway i could try to compile.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
I tested it once again on hosted and this time everything plays correct. It might have been something with my machine. Seems all is good with your port Like
DeremonJunior Member
Posted 2 months ago
here is the ABIv11 x86_64 version let us know if it's all ok Smile

Amiwell79, Farox, retrofaza
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago

Good news is that is starts and displays UI correctly. The problem is when trying to load a mod. I get crash which suggest memory corruption. From my experience porting from 32-bit to 64-bit these kinds of errors can happen if a pointer is passed somewhere via ULONG variable. Then half of the pointer is cut.

To generate this error, please run AROSBootstrap with -m 1024. This will allocate heap to 64-bit address space which will make these errors immediatelly visible.

PS. The crash most likely does not happen in a place when curruption happens, so don't be mislead.
PS2. These types of crashes are hard to debug. I usually disabled as little code as possible to stop corruption from occuring and then try to read from the code where it can be broken.
PS3. I noticed that sometimes the file will load and start playing. Loading another file once or twice leads to crash.
Edited by deadwood on 24-10-2024 15:17, 2 months ago
Posted 2 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Hi,

Good news is that is starts and displays UI correctly. The problem is when trying to load a mod. I get crash which suggest memory corruption. From my experience porting from 32-bit to 64-bit these kinds of errors can happen if a pointer is passed somewhere via ULONG variable. Then half of the pointer is cut.

To generate this error, please run AROSBootstrap with -m 1024. This will allocate heap to 64-bit address space which will make these errors immediatelly visible.

PS. The crash most likely does not happen in a place when curruption happens, so don't be mislead.
PS2. These types of crashes are hard to debug. I usually disabled as little code as possible to stop corruption from occuring and then try to read from the code where it can be broken.
PS3. I noticed that sometimes the file will load and start playing. Loading another file once or twice leads to crash.

I can confirm that the crash happen...but only when we load a .mod (not for .xm) and when i start aros hosted (i have the 64bit debug only) without extra memory (-m 1024) parameter.
With -m 1024 i have a working program that load fine (a bit slow at loading...but i think its normal for hosted) a mod and after a xm file.
Now that i quit the program...i have a crash...


./boot/linux/AROSBootstrap -m1024
[Bootstrap] RAM memory block allocated: 0x40bfa000 - 0x50bfa000 (268435456 bytes)
[Bootstrap] Entering kernel at 0x50bfa000...
[KRN] Protecting host process stack (0x00007ffffeb201a0 - 0x00007ffffeb2a1a0)
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
The function posixc/sigaction() is not implemented.
[KRN] Trap signal 11, SysBase 0000000041bfc830, KernelBase 0000000041bfda60
RSP=000000004f65a4e0 RBP=000000004f65a740 RIP=0000000050c00e40
RAX=fdfdfeff4f103ce0 RBX=0000000041bfc830 RCX=0000000049d98710 RDX=0000000050113ce0
RDI=0000000049d98838 RSI=0000000041bfc830 RFLAGS=0000000000210282
R8 =000000004cc8b4c8 R9 =000000004f65a400 R10=0000000000000008 R11=0000000000200246
R12=0000000041bfc830 R13=0000000049bbe5e0 R14=000000004ce5ca70 R15=0000000000000000
*** Logged alert:
Program failed
Task : 0x000000004233E7D0 - ft2-clone
Error: 0x80000002 - Hardware bus fault/address error
PC : 0x0000000050C00E40
Module boot/linux/kernel Segment 1 .text (0x0000000050BFA000) Offset 0x0000000000006E40
Function tlsf_freevec (0x0000000050C008DD) Offset 0x0000000000000563
CPU context:
RAX=FDFDFEFF4F103CE0 RBX=0000000041BFC830 RCX=0000000049D98710 RDX=0000000050113CE0
RSI=0000000041BFC830 RDI=0000000049D98838 RSP=000000004F65A4E0 RBP=000000004F65A740
R8 =000000004CC8B4C8 R9 =000000004F65A400 R10=0000000000000008 R11=0000000000200246
R12=0000000041BFC830 R13=0000000049BBE5E0 R14=000000004CE5CA70 R15=0000000000000000
RIP=0000000050C00E40 RSP=000000004F65A4E0 RFLAGS=0000000000210282


0000000050c008dd <tlsf_freevec>:
<skipping 1360 bytes>

-19 : 4801d0 - add rdx, rax
-16 : 48894588 - mov rax, -0x78( rbp)
-12 : 488b4588 - mov -0x78( rbp), rax
-8 : 48894580 - mov rax, -0x80( rbp)
-4 : 488b4580 - mov -0x80( rbp), rax
0*: 488b4008 - mov 0x8( rax), rax
4 : 83e001 - and $0x1, eax
7 : 4885c0 - test rax, rax
10 : 0f95c0 - setne al
13 : 0fb6c0 - movzx al, eax
16 : 85c0 - test eax, eax
18 : 0f84ab030000 - jz tlsf_freevec+931

Stack trace:
0x0000000050C01602 boot/linux/kernel Function tlsf_freemem + 0x000000000000002E
0x0000000050C11CA8 boot/linux/kernel Function Exec_119_FreePooled + 0x000000000000007A
0x0000000041F3F272 System:Libs/crt.library Segment 1 .text + 0x000000000002A292
0x0000000041F3F30A System:Libs/crt.library Function free + 0x0000000000000091
0x0000000049BBB29F SystemGrinemos/fasttracker/ft2-clone/ft2-clone Function free + 0x000000000000001F
0x0000000049B7F282 SystemGrinemos/fasttracker/ft2-clone/ft2-clone Function freeSmpData + 0x0000000000000012
0x0000000000000000 Address not found
Posted 2 months ago
On the 32bit version i found that i maybe need to review the code that select the audio buffer...if you try to select a medium buffer you can't...only small and large are selectable.

Also i found an issue with the scancode of the keys that is different from Hosted and Aros one.
I spotted that when i selected "Instrument editor" and playing some note, on Aros One (where i tested on real hardware) the keys of italian keyboard are fully recognised (they are ì è + à ù) but on Hosted (where i setted the same prefs )
Italian keyboard
i have not specified a predefined charset
they are not recognised, and don't generate a scankey.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago

Farox wrote:

Now that i quit the program...i have a crash...

Crashing in tslf_freevec is another symptom of memory corruction. I'd bet it's the same thing I notice, but simply in different place. Unfortunatelly these memory corruptions will manifest differently on different setups.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago

Farox wrote:

@Farox - On the 32bit version i found that i maybe need to review the code that select the audio buffer...if you try to select a medium buffer you can't...only small and large are selectable.

Ok, so maybe I'm wrong and this is not a 64-bit specific issues, but rather a general buffer overrun that corrupts memory on any architecture?

Farox wrote:

Also i found an issue with the scancode of the keys that is different from Hosted and Aros one.
I spotted that when i selected "Instrument editor" and playing some note, on Aros One (where i tested on real hardware) the keys of italian keyboard are fully recognised (they are ì è + à ù) but on Hosted (where i setted the same prefs )
Italian keyboard
i have not specified a predefined charset
they are not recognised, and don't generate a scankey.

Yes, I believe I saw somewhere mentions of issues with keyboards between X11 and AROS. In the Devs/Keymaps/X11 you have 3 files. Possibly renaming any of the -alt files to the first file name will solve that issue.
Posted 1 month ago

I created the icons for FastTracker2
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
icon-ft2.zip [17kB / 46 Downloads]
Posted 1 month ago
Sorry for late reply, i was busy on the weekend, anyway i tested selecting other -alt table files, but nothing changed i found on archive this https://archives.aros-exec.org/?function=showfile&file=driver/input/keycode2rawkey.zip
the table itself didn't change the keys recognised...bit inside it says:


If you are building AROS from source code you can create
that table by yourself, by "make change-x11keymaptable".
This starts a tool which interactively queries your keyboard.

I try this but this utility is no more on aros source i think.

Thanks for the icons.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 month ago
Ok, I looked into the source and sitution is abit more complex. The custome .table file is only loaded if you start the driver as "Monitor" not as "Kickstart driver" (default). To do so, edit the AROS/boot/AROSBootstrap.conf and remove the line "module Devs/Drivers/x11gfx.hidd". Then the default custom .table file will load. If you want to load any of the other two files, change the tooltype on X11 icon (see screenshot). The path in tooltype needs to be absolute path: DEVS:Keymaps/X11/....
Edited by deadwood on 29-10-2024 01:38, 1 month ago
Deremon, Argo, Farox
deadwood attached the following image:
Posted 1 month ago
OK thanks for looking at it.
I tested (with keycode2rawkey-alt.table ) and it worked fine (at least for the key used with FT2)

For those that want to try...
before running Aros Hosted
comment in.../myrepo/alt-abiv0-linux-i386/bin/linux-i386/AROS/Arch/linux/AROSBoostrap.conf
the line
module Devs/Drivers/x11gfx.hidd
#module Devs/Drivers/x11gfx.hidd
so it will be disable and you can re-enable when you need it.

and next run Aros as usual with ./Arch/linux/AROSBootstrap in a shell
Next go to
Devs/Monitors and change the tooltype of the X11 icon like described by Deadwood.
In my case i typed inside the path DEVS:Keymaps/X11/keycode2rawkey-alt.table
Exit from AROS and re-run it to have the -alt keycode table enabled.

What i ask is...we need to disable the module x11gfx.hidd there are something that we could loose disabling this module?
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 month ago

Farox wrote:


What i ask is...we need to disable the module x11gfx.hidd there are something that we could loose disabling this module?

You loose ability do display graphics during boot of system. This has two implications: early boot menu does not work and if there is an error during boot, it won't be displayed (with a requester), instead AROS will just crash.
Posted 12 days ago
Hi just released on the Archive with a bunch of MOD, XM and S3M music files.
Updated the first post with the link for download.
deadwood, retrofaza, Deremon
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Users who participated in discussion: deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, retrofaza, Amiwell79, miker1264, Farox, Deremon
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