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AmiGameJam 2022

AmiGameJam 2022

The next AmiGameJam contest has started! This year, the theme is "Sword & Sorcery" where you will have the opportunity to create an original game for the Amiga.

There are some fantastic judges and prizes lined up for this competition and the details for those will be announced later, once it's all been confirmed.

Games can be entered in two different categories - "Classic OCS/AGA" and Next-Gen Amigas (Aros, MorphOS, OS4 and Vampire). Entries should be submitted by the 1st of May and the judging will begin shortly after that which will give you six months to work on an entry. The community will have a chance to rate each entry, the results of which will be presented and tallied alongside the ratings given by our celebrity judges on our live awards show hosted by AmigaBill on Twitch.


amigamia 11/02/2022 1,373