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Putting AROSWorld.org for sale - No more

Last updated on 6 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
This place is almost dead. There is little or no activity at all on this place and since I rarely have time to manage, I am putting the site for sale. I am keeping the hosting. I am selling the domain and a backup of the CMS + MySQL Dbase.

If anyone is interested please contact me at enzorug(at)live(dot)com.

EDIT: I have renewed the site until February of 2019. Will keep it running for now and see how it goes...
Edited by amigamia on 24-09-2018 07:39, 6 years ago
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 8 years ago
This site has always been slow, but I must agree that it has been slower than ever lately. Sad news. :(
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Seams now this could be the main forum for AROS.

I hope you consider to still run the page.
Posted 6 years ago


nikos wrote:

Seams now this could be the main forum for AROS.

I hope you consider to still run the page.


I have actually renewed it until Feb of 2019. I stopped maintaining it because of the very low traffic but shouldn't be a problem in re-checking all the features. I may need help. Magorium used to help in the past but that also faded away.
Posted 6 years ago


cavemann wrote:

This site has always been slow, but I must agree that it has been slower than ever lately. Sad news. :(

Hey Cavemann, you are right the slowness was because of the different hosting providers I used in the past. Some were free and you get what you pay for. I am actually paying for the hosting this time and service, while not the best, is better than before.
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Users who participated in discussion: cavemann, amigamia, nikos
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