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Recommended hardware

Last updated on 2 months ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 13 months ago

The HCL contains now two sections. One starting from "Recommended hardware" contain hardware that is re-tested and certified to work. This is for people who don't want to experiment and just want to buy hardware that works and is guaranteed to be working. Second section, starting from "Laptops" list information on multiple hardware that was tested with AROS throughout the years. This one is for people who like to experiment and find out what works and what does not.

The "Recommended hardware" section currently contains 2 portable models, 1 desktop model and 4 motherboad models along with indiction of GPUs to use. As I read your post, this is what you are looking for: hardware that is proven to work and that will continue being supported and re-tested with future releases.
Posted 13 months ago
@retrofaza Oh so buy MORE hardware than be able to see from an HCL what works that I might already have? Not what I want AT ALL

@deadwood Yes I see what you are doing

But the pages of "junk" like this excerpt of "untested" stuff except to tell me USB 3 doesnt work. Well they are just "junk" info to me.

Name Chipset IDE SATA Gfx Audio USB Ethernet Wireless Test Distro Comments
VivoBook 15 K505ZA X505ZA AMD R5 2500U Raven Ridge N/A M.2 Vega GCN 5 with VCN 1 HD USB3 N/A 2018 64bit - 15.6" HD 1366 x 768p - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -
Vivobook F412DK AMD R5 3500U N/A NVMe Radeon 540x HD USB3 2019 64bit - 14in FHD - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -
VivoBook 15 K570ZA X570ZA AMD R5 2500U N/A M.2 Nvidia GTX 1050 HD USB3 N/A 2019 64bit - 15.6in - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -
Vivobook X421DA M413DA, Vivobook X512DA, Vivobook F512DA M515DA, AMD Ryzen 3 3250U later AMD R5 3500U R7 3700U 2 NVMe AMD RX Vega 3 HD Audio with codec USB 3.1 gen N/A 2019 2020 14in, 15.6in FHD IPS dull - internal battery - ram soldered - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -
Zenbook 14 AMD 3700U 4500U N/A NVMe Vega 8 or 10 Gen 3 N/A 2019 64bit - LPDDR4 ram - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -
Asus VivoBook Flip 14 TM420 4500U 4700U N/A NVMe Vega 3 or 7 USB3 N/A 2020 64bit convertible - 4gb ram soldered with 1 sodimm slot - internal battery - keyboard swap requires removal of all components -

I was hoping the HCL would have finally evolved to something like those that Hackintosh sites offer - more in the form "this chipset LAN will work, this doesnt, this chipset GPU works, this doesnt, this Sound chipset works" but its not.

I'm not expecting anyone to give a stuff about what I think but I am just expressing how I think AROS is making itself more and more niche and less relevant when you cannot "join the club" without buying the cheap compatible recommended kit.

I'm pretty confident I have AROS supported kit and can run it. I just don't think it's encouraging new users. Deadwood has been an AROS stalwart for years so maybe you are too close to it to see this.

Just my 2p. My world isn't affected if nobody cares :-)
Posted 13 months ago
https://en.wikibo...86_support this page IS actually helpful and relevant (IMHO)

Would ask for Fermi to be clarified.... does it mean GF 5xx or include Fermi GF6xx cards like GT610?

Would ask for AMD comment to be clarified - does this mean all cards that AMDGPU supports (I have a Bonaire card for example somewhere) work with 2D and OpenGL? Or something else? As someone who HAS won the Plain English Campaign's Crystal Mark I can say confidently that the page ISN't the clearest :-)
Edited by Methanoid on 19-02-2024 09:12, 13 months ago
Jeff1138Junior Member
Posted 13 months ago

AFAIK, fermi and onwards is not supported and most AMD including amdgpu is not as well, am hoping more AMD but who knows what the future might bring

Regarding the HCL, one persons junk is anothers... ;-)
Posted 13 months ago
Again, from memory but didnt Deadwood himself add support for Fermi cards to AROS many years ago?
Edited by Methanoid on 20-02-2024 05:38, 13 months ago
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 13 months ago
in my experience, as far as fixed computers are concerned, many are compatible, but we're talking about computers from about ten years ago, but they're still very good, and not only for aros. then you can upgrade with a compatible video card, network card and maybe an SSD. roughly speaking, starting with the intel core 2 duo you can have a good workstation. i don't know which generation of i7 is compatible, maybe the third or fourth or even the fifth
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 13 months ago
there is also achi support that will be fixed and then you will have sata support, i have taken my computers apart from laptops and netbooks always at random but i always refer to systems with features that have been outdated for years
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 13 months ago
there is another thing to point out if gallium will not be updated it is pointless to think of the latest hardware possible i.e. without graphics acceleration in my opinion it is pointless at least for laptops
ericxjoJunior Member
Posted 13 months ago
EDIT: Whoops, meant to post in a new thread. Sorry!
Edited by ericxjo on 20-02-2024 16:35, 13 months ago
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 13 months ago
for new users, get help in making the best choice regarding hardware, even if you have to take but a couple of very inexpensive cards it's no big deal
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago
Is there any official place where users can report hardware tested with AROS?

Also, what is the status of nvidia drivers? I can run 1280x1024@60Hz, so I assume these drivers are partially working?

I have a bunch of hardware to test over the weekend.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
you can open a new thread if you want or discuss it here, the state of the nvidia drivers I know is still at a standstill technology I had a card with these features but I didn't go beyond 1024x768, now I have an old geforce 8400 GS and I have a resolution of 1920x1080, yes maybe it's better to open a new thread
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 12 months ago
Yup, open a new thread in this forum or contact Jeff1138 directly.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
many years ago, kalamatee updated gallium, but nothing more was heard of this update, I remember that it was close to doing so on abiv0, but then it didn't, in any case, at the moment it's better to stay with cards that, although obsolete, don't cost so much and give a higher performance in terms of resolution
Jeff1138Junior Member
Posted 12 months ago

In a new thread is ok or add it directly to the wiki but you would need to sign up if you do not want your ip showing for each entry?


I used a few shell'd apps to gauge performance fps

2d Doom Doom2 Duke
3d tunnel gearbox cube cube2 50 Quake3
Edited by Jeff1138 on 07-03-2024 23:10, 12 months ago
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago

Khadas wrote:

@Khadas - Is there any official place where users can report hardware tested with AROS?

Also, what is the status of nvidia drivers? I can run 1280x1024@60Hz, so I assume these drivers are partially working?

I have a bunch of hardware to test over the weekend.

which graphics card you are using
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
I don't remember if it was a geforce gtx 470 however the resolution I could connect was very low 1280x1024 is not a bad resolution
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago


I don't remember if it was a geforce gtx 470 however the resolution I could connect was very low 1280x1024 is not a bad resolution

It is not a bad resolution, but since my monitor uses a 16:10 aspect ratio, 1280x1024 appears partially stretched and slightly blurry.
Also, how do you actually change the resolution? I already changed things in GRUB as well as in the monitor settings in AROS, but the viewport remains the same 1280x1024 while the resolution becomes bigger and the screen just scrolls when I move the mouse cursor towards the borders.


which graphics card you are using

I am planning to do some testing with the next, as times allows me:

- GFX Cards:
・Nvidia 260GTX
・Nvidia 750Ti
・Nvidia GTS450
・Nvidia GTX650
・Nvidia 8600 GS
・I-O Data GA-RUSH6(*1)
・Nvidia Riva TNT2(*2)
(*1) Not sure if any of my PC/AT motherboards are compatible
(*2) It doesn't have a heatsink, so might not be able to test it. Also same as (*1)

- CPUs:
・Core 2 Duo E8400
・Core 2 Duo E3400
・Core 2 Quad Q9450
・Core i3 540
・Core i7 870
・Celeron G1840
Don't know if this is important anyway.

- Motherboards:
・Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3
・Acer Aspire M3910 (Desktop)
・Asus P7P55D
・Gigabyte GA-H81M-D3V

- Sound:
・Sound Blaster Audigy 2 (SB0350)

- Generic PCI cards:
・MODEM card F-1156IV/R3(*1)
・LAN card with RTL8139D(*2)
(*1) Is it even worth testing?
(*2) I don't know if RTL8139 and RTL8139D are the same or there are differences.

- Internal Drives:
・Various 3.5 and 5.25inch DD and HD disk drives. Don't have any compatible PC/AT that support these, so will be pending.

- Peripherals:
・Two Random chinese multicard readers, one with a reset button(?), another one without(*1)
・External 3.5 inch FDD SONY VAIO PCGA-UFD5(*2)
・External 3.5 inch FDD Logitech LFD-31UE.
・Inkjet Printer EPSON PX-047A (have no idea if it is compatible with post/ghostscript).
・A small thermal printer. Not sure if compatible with post/ghostscript.
・I would like to test Arduino, ESP32 and microcontroller programming, but still don't know how to do this with AROS.
(*1) Mostly interested in how AROS can handle various cards plugged simultaneously into the same reader. What happens if I disconnect the reader instead of each individual card?
(*2) Undocumented. but this is among the few modern USB FDDs that can format 720 and 640Kb disks. I am interested in knowing if/how AROS can handle that.

More to come in the future as well.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
you should have no problem configuring a workstation perhaps in dual boot if you can favour us in detail the graphics cards supported
Edited by Amiwell79 on 09-03-2024 05:53, 12 months ago
Posted 9 months ago
@ deadwood


ASUS M2N68-AM SE2 (2: retrofaza, deadwood)
ASRock 890FX
ASRock G31M-S
Gigabyte GA-G41MT D3
Gigabyte 73-pvm-s2h
Gigabyte GA-H55M-S2H
MSI H55M-E33

As for MSI 760GM motherboard. Which variant do you mean exactly? There are few: MSI 760GM-P21 (-P23) (-P33)
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