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Development General

Development General
1752 posts | Last Activity on 15-04-2024 07:17 by deadwood
deadwood 15-04-2024 07:17, 1 month ago
Re: SDK update
@Farox I have no idea - I never worked with D. Also unless it can call C code directly, I guess there would have to be some "libraries" written to foward calls from D code to AROS API.
Responded in SDK update
Farox 15-04-2024 06:56, 1 month ago
Re: SDK update
Thanks for update, i will test . On a side note, i know there are some games that are written in D language, do you think it's possible to add the D compiler (GDC) to GCC 6.5?
Responded in SDK update
deadwood 15-04-2024 06:27, 1 month ago
Re: SDK update
Hi All, I prepared a small update to SDK to solve a following problem: There are a few symbols in C linker libs that are renamed, for example __posixc_fopen instead of fopen. On the other hand linker libs found on archives expect regular names -> fopen. The SDK has been fixed to have "original" names which are compatible with linker libs on archives. If you are a developer, please update your SDK using these files: [url]https://axrt.org/development/SDK-beta-upd-20240415.zip[/url]. The build contains C linker libs as well as some linker libs from contrib which were affected by the change. If you experience any problems with compiling after update, let me know. Note to distro maintainers - this will be also part of official update in future, so I suggest not installing this yet. This build is "for tests by developers".
Responded in SDK update
mattson62 13-04-2024 17:40, 1 month ago
Re: Development Plan
Responded in Development Plan
Amiwell79 13-04-2024 08:53, 1 month ago
Re: Development Plan
Good work and thank you:)
Responded in Development Plan
deadwood 13-04-2024 07:30, 1 month ago
Re: Development Plan
Hello, An update on the plan: 1) Release 64-bit version of Odyssey Web Browser for AROS, Linux and Windows 2) Implement first prototype of 32-bit-under-64-bit emulator for AROS [b][IN PROGRESS][/b] 3) Release new version of ABIv0 refreshed to 20221221 codebase Work on emulator prototype progresses well. If you are interested in details, please check a thread here on arosworld.org. I will be focusing on it in coming weeks. In parallel I'm thinking about releasing first update to 20220318-1 release. There have been a number of fixes since the release so it would be good to package them together and make available to users. The long term horizon stays unchanged: "On a longer horizon, there will be a lot of work related to ABIv0 and AxRuntime. I want to update ABIv0 to be based on latest ABIv11 source code. This will be an enabler to: 1) develop an emulator that will allow running AROS 32-bit programs under 64-bit AROS. 2) develop a version of AxRuntime that is capable of running ABIv0 32-bit programs on top of Linux and Windows Furthermore, ABIv11 64-bit native will be fixed to provide the same level of hardware compatibility on recommended hardware as current ABIv0 32-bit. On AxRuntime side, the goal will be to develop a working window manager (IntuitionWM) and Linux-native desktop, most likely in form of Scalos. Once all these things are in place, there will be two development lines available: For people preferring native AROS we will have ability to use majority the existing 32-bit software base on 64-bit AROS and native 64-bit system working on recommended hardware, which then is an enabler for creation of 64-bit distributions that match current 32-bit distributions in user experience. For people interested in AxRuntime route we will have a Linux-native desktop and ability to run majority of AROS ABIv0 programs (32-bit), AROS ABIv11 programs (64-bit) and AxRuntime-recompiled programs (64-bit). This way existing distributions could be re-created using Linux as a base without loosing existing functionality for users."
Responded in Development Plan
deadwood 13-04-2024 07:20, 1 month ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
[quote name=AMIGASYSTEM post=4930]@AMIGASYSTEM - deadwood I think is already a good step forward, we confidently wait for the first official release ![/quote] Thanks, but keep in mind that the goal of prototype is to prove that emulation is possible with limited amount of work rather then deliver a working solution.
AMIGASYSTEM 13-04-2024 04:51, 1 month ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
deadwood I think is already a good step forward, we confidently wait for the first official release !
deadwood 13-04-2024 03:35, 1 month ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
Hi All, Over last week I've been able to successfully complete step of testing 32-bit ZuneARC. As you can see on attached video, it is possible to start it, select a zip file and decompress it. Unziping is done via 64-bit UnZip command which 32-bit ZuneARC calls. There are graphical artifacts and most needed functions is not fully implemeted, but what is there right now it good enough to move to next stage. On a technical note, the greatest challenge so far was integrating BOOPSI gadgets. While MUI objects are fully on the 32-bit side and need a narrow interface into graphics.library and intuition.library, BOOPSI gadgets (as seen for example in ASL requester) are created on 32-bit side, but need close communication with login on 64-bit side in intuition to render and respond to user input. The implemented solution seems to be working but needs to be further extended to provide fully proper rendering. Also you will notice lack of images on MUI buttons. This is due to fact that while the 32-bit datatypes.library is working, no 32-bit datatypes are actually loaded into it. This is problem with known solution, so it will be omitted for now. As a reminder, here is test plan that will be execute before final decision on emulator will be taken: 1) Test a recent program written in C using new C library (Calculator) [b][DONE][/b] 2) Test an old, 3rd party program written in C using old C library (ZuneARC) [b][DONE][/b] 3) Test program written in Hollywood 4) Test program written in Pascal 5) Test emulator under native AROS x86_64 and confirm it can work with native kernel 6) Test emulator under AxRuntime and confirm ABIv0 programs can be run directly on Linux/Windows Emulator sources are available here: [url]https://github.com/deadwood2/AROS/tree/AoA/workbench/tools/AoA[/url] If you are a developer and you would be interested in contributing to emulator in future, please send me an email or PM on the forums.
Amiwell79 10-04-2024 09:38, 1 month ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
the next step is to give Miker support for his software, WCS is still in the works but we have a stable and also 64-bit version as BeeBase, Alfred Faust will continue to update Bars&Pipes
Amiwell79 10-04-2024 09:04, 1 month ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
my efforts are called: RNOArchive RNOPublisher RNOTunes RNOSlides Beebase WCS XPDF-GUI Sploiner-GUI there is also Bars&Pipes which was only born from a collaboration thanks to the aros devs also because without them I could not promote any software
deadwood 04-04-2024 11:33, 1 month ago
Re: AROS ABIv0 20220318 Development [CLOSED]
68k build only ever had the "new" C library. Also I don't remember if I ever made contrib available, but if I did, it also was compiled with "new" C library. 68k build is currently only for testing purposes so, there won't be any specific updates to it at this time.
AMIGASYSTEM 04-04-2024 10:49, 1 month ago
Re: AROS ABIv0 20220318 Development [CLOSED]
[quote name=deadwood post=3281]@deadwood - Hello, Here we go with next iteration. You know the drill ;) Reference ISO: [b][url]https://www.axrt.org/download/aros/v0/AROS-20211128-1-pc-i386-boot-iso.zip[/url][/b] First ISO moves us to 20211214 code base. There is only one notable change here, new C library. It's a big change though and essentially requires retesting all software to find out regressions. Here is D01 ISO: [b][url]https://axrt.org/development/AROS-20211214-D01-pc-i386-boot-iso.zip[/url][/b] The ISO contains core, contrib and Odyssey re-compiled to use the new C library. Big thanks to terminills for sharing his build machine which speeds up Odyssey build 2.5x times. If you are integrating this ISO into your distribution and installation (so if you have "old" files), you need to delete some of them. I attach a script that shows which files to delete. Without deleting these files, the test results will be invalid. Note that deleting these files will make old Odyssey to stop loading. Best to keep two installations - reference and new system. The most visible problems you can encounter after integrating is that some software will stop loading because stdc.library, stdcio.library or posixc.library is missing. Note that only software coming from AROS ISO should be using these libraries. The solution it to update the software with the version on the D01 ISO. If it happens that 3rd party (download from archives) software is reporting need for those libraries, be sure to let me know which. Have fun :) [code] AROS ABIv0 20211214-D01 changes: Functionalities: Introduce new C library, synchronized with 64-bit AROS (deadwood) Allow linux hosted AROS to work under WSL (Kalamatee) Updates: Functional fixes: Wanderer (bugs: #107) (deadwood) fat-handler (bugs: #107) (deadwood) Stability fixes: 64-bit/68k/ARM support: [/code] [code] Delete Libs:stdc.library Delete Libs:stdcio.library Delete Libs:posixc.library Delete Libs:jfif.library Delete Libs:jpeg.library Delete Development:include/clib/arosc_protos.h Delete Development:include/clib/posixc_protos.h Delete Development:include/clib/stdcio_protos.h Delete Development:include/clib/stdc_protos.h Delete Development:include/define/arosc.h Delete Development:include/define/posixc.h Delete Development:include/define/stdcio.h Delete Development:include/define/stdc.h Delete Development:include/inline/arosc.h Delete Development:include/inline/posixc.h Delete Development:include/inline/stdcio.h Delete Development:include/inline/stdc.h Delete Development:include/libraries/posixc.h Delete Development:include/libraries/stdcio.h Delete Development:include/libraries/stdc.h Delete Development:include/proto/arosc.h Delete Development:include/proto/posixc.h Delete Development:include/proto/stdcio.h Delete Development:include/proto/stdc.h Delete Development:lib/libarosc.a Delete Development:lib/libposixc.a Delete Development:lib/libstdcio.a Delete Development:lib/libstdc.a [/code][/quote] deadwood excuse me a question, I would like confirmation that also on your Build AROS 68x had the same change, that is it was compiled with the new C library, and if there is a Contrib 68k compiled with the C library, thanks
Amiwell79 03-04-2024 17:29, 1 month ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - April 2024
Thank you Deadwood
OlafSch 01-04-2024 15:34, 2 months ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
[quote name=deadwood post=4804]@deadwood - @OlafSch It's pretty much like @magorium described. See attached screen shot for MultiView running through AxRuntime and using datatypes to display picture. One thing that is not yes implemented is passing arguments - so opening an image via double-click won't work yet .[/quote] Looks good. It would be fantastic if you could mix it like on Aros 68k mixing Aros and AmigaOS binaries. For example starting components with parameters, be it AxRuntime components (Aros) or real Linux components In this example starting Multiview with path to picture as parameter
deadwood 01-04-2024 13:09, 2 months ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
[quote name=magorium post=4794]@magorium The only thing that I can not seem to realize is AXRuntime. That really requires 2 different RTL's to be active at the same time for which FPC does not have provision (and I was already told it will not be accepted would it be added)[/quote] That should be ok - AxRuntime can run ABIv11 AROS executables, so as long as you can compiled Pascal source code to AROS executable, the program will also be available for Linux/Windows users.
deadwood 01-04-2024 13:07, 2 months ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
@OlafSch It's pretty much like @magorium described. See attached screen shot for MultiView running through AxRuntime and using datatypes to display picture. One thing that is not yes implemented is passing arguments - so opening an image via double-click won't work yet .
deadwood 01-04-2024 12:50, 2 months ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - April 2024
And the voting is now closed! Two bugs that will be tackled in April are: #116 and #105. (y)
magorium 31-03-2024 09:43, 2 months ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
[quote name=OlafSch post=4795] you can develope a picture viewer, multiview as example, that accepts path to a picture as parameter and then shows it? [/quote] That question has many hidden subfeatures inside it. Could you elaborate ? Know that it is already possible to show a picture using multiview using tooltypes, hence the question. [quote] Second, how do you add or improve datatypes? Normally you copy a file in a directory.. How is it done in AxRuntime?[/quote] Exactly the same. In principle: anything that goes for classic amigaos/AROS also works for AxRuntime. If it doesn't then it is worth considering a feature request but that is ofc if deadwood decides it would be beneficial to support such a feature or not. Perhaps better to compare it with hosted instead of native. If AxRuntime does not support something in particular then it is possible to use host functionality in order to accomplish such task.
OlafSch 31-03-2024 08:16, 2 months ago
Re: Prototype of AROS ABIv0 emulator for 64-bit AROS
[quote name=deadwood post=4793]@deadwood - [quote name=OlafSch post=4786]@OlafSch - Then datatypes. It is a cool concept in my view..[/quote] In what function do you see datatypes? They are already included in AxRuntime.[/quote] that might be enough. Two questions.... you can develope a picture viewer, multiview as example, that accepts path to a picture as parameter and then shows it? Second, how do you add or improve datatypes? Normally you copy a file in a directory.. How is it done in AxRuntime?
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