ZunePaint is not suitable for creating icons, use IconEditor, you can create Glow Effects of any colour! IconEditor is simple and works well, you can also resize icons and add other effects, I attach one of my old videos.
I didn't use a paint app to add a glow border. I'm working on an Icon Tool that will add a glow border to an existing image.
After drawing a Glow Mask by hand I was using Paint.Net to test because it uses Gaussian Blur.
The icon tool is far from complete. I haven't even started writing the program.
IconEditor does add Glow borders but those are simple neon borders. My Glow borders must very closely match Ken's Icons so my tools will work to modify the glow border tint, etc.
Edited by miker1264 on 13-12-2023 17:43, 9 months ago
Yes the glow on IconEditor is not perfect but it is acceptable, the quality of the glow improves if the image has a large transparent margin, the larger it is the smoother the glow is, of course it also improves if the images are dark!
@ Amiwell79
To get the glow effect you must have and merge 2 images, with only one image it is impossible to have the glow when you click
yes usually with zunepaint I take the standard drawer as a model and superimpose an image that is for an application or game, the glow effect I don't know how to apply with icontool
thank you miker but i can wait for your tool to come out anyway thank you if you want to proceed with adding the glow effect, i can make donations for your work, let me know, always thank you
Indeed it is tiring to repeat the same movements over and over again, with IconEditor I have found to streamline the steps (Dragging images onto the GUI and into the Load/Save Request), my icons now number more than 1,000
It's not complicated and there are many ways to make icons.
For my procedure there are six files per icon including normal image & selected image & four additional files used for masking.
After preparing the second image & drawing the glow mask the rest is automated. I used IconPress to assemble the finished icons. But batch processing is also possible for assembly.
For the icon tool which adds a Glow Border trying to convert the steps in the manual method to a working program has been a challenge for me.
The first obstacle is how to detect the contour of the RGB image so It can draw the Glow Mask. I had thought of using x, y coords and I may still do that. But I discovered a technique to store the directional information. It's called "Freeman Chain Code". It seems to be perfect for drawing the Glow Border colors.
Before finding the shape contour I need to make the image data into a binary mask (black & white) which makes pixels easier to compare.
The next big obstacle is to come up with a new Gaussian Blur Algorithm for use with Glow Masks. Sometimes the simplest tasks can be so complicated to implement in computer code.
Edited by miker1264 on 16-12-2023 00:55, 9 months ago
I am not sure if this helps in any way but there was a set of icons built in SVG format with a script that would convert them to .info. There is also a set of basic components to build your own. Again, this probably won't help much but may give a prospective from a different angle.
I will take a look at the svg icon script. It may be useful in some way or maybe for a future icon project. I remember having a conversation with someone about svg icons. That discussion can be found on the wiki books site. They are scalable vector graphics files. Interesting stuff.
I'm still doing some research for adding Glow Borders. The manual method works well by applying a Gaussian Blur to a Glow Mask. Now I have to replicate that manual method. This method was confirmed by the master of icon making, Ken Lester. I had a brief three-day apprenticeship where he shared his technique for making realistic looking 32 bit glow borders.
It certainly is cool stuff Miker. Thank you for sharing and for all your hard work.
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