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AROS One x86 Work In Progress

Last updated on 27 days ago
Posted 27 days ago
New version 0.5 of Amitranslate, Italian localisation available in addition to German!

Amitranslate v0.5 will be available on both AROS One 2.8 32Bit and AROS One v1.0 64Bit-v11
Posted 1 month ago
Updated the ZuneARC Config file, now you can easily create LHA, LZH, ZIP, TAR.GZ, TAR archives, you can also extract entire Archives or just single or multiple files.

For those unfamiliar with ZuneARC an Exhaustive Video will follow showing how to use the mentioned functions!

Of course the same functions can be obtained on AROS One 64Bit v11

Posted 2 months ago
I enclose a good quality Video created by a Polish user, showing the installation of AROS One 2.7 in Native mode on a Desktop Computer with Graphics, Sound and Network Card support.

I thank this user for the nice video created!

Posted 2 months ago
Improved Magellan configuration, same configuration as Dopus4, recreated all buttons and changed the icons to AROS One style!

Posted 2 months ago
For those who prefer Magellan, from the next version of AROS One, Magellan can not only be run from Wanderer, but can also be started autonomously.

In practice, there is no difference between the two modes; Magellan still makes use of Wanderer preferences even when started autonomously.

In practice, when Magellan displays a file in "Icon" mode, it will use Wanderer's settings, whereas if Magellan is used in "Detail" mode, it will use its own settings.

Example, if a Music, Graphic or Video etc file is clicked in "Icon" mode, the file will be executed by the default tool in Wanderer's Def_Icon

If on the other hand you click on the same File, but in "Detail" mode, then the tool set to Magellan will display the file.

Also in "Detail" on Magellan you will be able to see "All Archives" supported by AROS One, as if they were normal folders, just click on the archive file LHA, LZX, ZIP, RAR, 7Zip, bz2 etc... to turn it into a normal folder.

This function is also available on Dopus4, but only on the Amiga version, on the AROS x86 version it is unfortunately not available.

In addition, LHA and ZIP archives can be created on Magellan with a simple click

A few demonstration videos on what is described will follow.

Posted 2 months ago
As mentioned on the next AROS One there will also be Dopus5 Magellan which like Dopus4 to use it just click on its Icon, path SYS:Tools

Improved configurations of both Dopus4 and Dopus5 Magellan, both have the same configuration and both will be able to recognise any file even if it has no extension.

Dopus4 can now also display TXT and exe files, in the same way as Dopus4 OS3 version, thus solving the problem mentioned some time ago HERE
Posted 2 months ago
Conratulations, and thank you for for the many hours of work which have gone into this release :-)

Posted 2 months ago
If you want to use the 'Boot Sounds' from Crystal theme by DJ Nick, the simplest method is to rename 'djnick-AmigaOS-boot1.wav' to 'IntroSound.wav' and copy it to this path


Of course you will have to rename or delete my "IntroSound.wav"
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

Do you still have version 2.6 ?

I can't get AROS One v2.7 to boot from DVD.
Posted 2 months ago
What problems do you have booting the DVD, if it depends on your player or badly burned DVD, you will probably have the same problem with Aros One 2.6 !

Why don't you use the USB image to install AROS One 2.7 ?
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

I used the DVD method to successfully install AROS One x86 v2.7 on a spare SSD for testing my programs, utilities and Datatypes compiled with the newest ABIv0 Build System. Thanks for the great work you have done with AROS One!

Do you have any recommended settings for installing on VirtualBox? Or is there a video of it?
Posted 2 months ago
The video is on the AROS One home page, it is a bit old, I made a small video with a newer version of VirtualBox, there are only the initial stages, but it should be enough to understand how to install, I attach small video !

If you want to use Magellan on AROS One I can send you a small update that will install Magellan on AROS One, Magellan is already pre-configured to recognise many file formats.

RasVojaRasVojaJunior Member
Posted 2 months ago
Thanks for the big update, downloading.
Thanks for including Crystal theme by DJ Nick, hope boot sounds are included, if possible, and that it will make AROS more Amiga(OS) like, visually
OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good,
nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover Grin
YT https://www.youtu...f229h_gijQ
Posted 2 months ago
Italy in the Middle Ages was dominated by the French and the Spanish, and it is very easy to find things in common with these two countries.

Italy is the country that has the most dialects in the world, about 30 types that include words from these countries, as mentioned also the Playing Cards are many, one for each region:

miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago


@AMIGASYSTEM - For Italian users, but probably also for Spanish users, I have manually created a set of Italian Cards in good quality, in particular the 'Neapolitan Cards'.

In Italy each region has a different pack of cards, but the Neapolitan ones are the most well-known and used not only in Italy but also in many countries where there is an Italian community.


I have a deck of cards very similar to that. They are Spanish Cards from Barcelona. I lived there for about one year 40 years ago. Wow! Was it that long ago? I'm getting to be an old dude. :-)
Posted 2 months ago
AROS One 2.7 fails to boot on recommended ASUS motherboards

Are you sure you didn't mess up the files?

As far as I can see, at least the kernel file is from the test build 20221221-D01 ....

Please, check it calmly again.
Posted 2 months ago
From AROS One 2.7 (soon to be released) USB images will be created on 8GB Pendrives, by now AROS One with included 'Development' software has exceeded 3.7 GB space no longer supported by 4GB PenDrives.

On the positive side, the user can now add data to the pendrive, perhaps to test software or games.
Posted 3 months ago
New Theme created for AROS One name "ArosOne-BlueWave", see screenshot !

retrofaza, ntromans, Argo, miker1264
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 3 months ago
For Italian users, but probably also for Spanish users, I have manually created a set of Italian Cards in good quality, in particular the 'Neapolitan Cards'.

In Italy each region has a different pack of cards, but the Neapolitan ones are the most well-known and used not only in Italy but also in many countries where there is an Italian community.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 3 months ago
At the request of a RasVoja and with the permission of the developer I ported the "Crystal" native OS 4.1 skin to AROS One.

The covering has been done manually Pixel by Pixel with the addition of some MUI/Zune Gadgets not present in the theme, the only particular change has been done on the window bar, eliminated the round part because Wanderer doesn't support transparencies yet at least on VESA screens, I didn't have the world to test them on a PC with well supported native Video Card.

Crystal can be set automatically by simply clicking on the appropriate Icon via scripts in Prefs in the 'Themes' folder. As with the other 35 Themes available on AROS One, the scripts will also install the Background and Pointer el MUI/Zune Preferences (App windows).

If instead you want to install only the Windows Theme you can use either the "Appearance" App, or "ThemePrefs", the latter allows you to preview the themes, with these 2 Apps you can also see and install other extra Themes available on AROS One

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
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